Tuesday 10 June 2014

Revival Baptist Church and Tshwane YSAWID Open Dialogue


SAWID is an independent South African Women's Platform committed to hearing the voice of every woman and to improving the status of women by engaging national government, the private sector, civil society, (including non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations and donors) in partnership to shape community, provincial and continental agendas. The SAWID forum is impartial and not-for-profit and is tied to no party-political interests.
South African Women in Dialogue (SAWID) was founded by a forum of around 1000 women, drawn from all sectors of South African society, who met at the University of Pretoria in July 2003. They had been convened by a Steering Committee of volunteers, facilitated by Mrs. Zanele Mbeki, spouse of the President of the Republic of South Africa. 

On the the 8th of June 2014 Ms Modjadji Alidia Seabi (Former Chairperson of Tshwane YSAWID) came to Revival Baptist Church to introduce the forum and an open dialogue with 30 ladies in our church.

Issues discussed:
1. Personality development
2. Women's human rights
3. Participation of women in leadership
4. Why economic empowerment of women
5. Engaging boys and men to end discrimination against women and girls

It was nice to engage with one another with honesty, empathy and respect for our differences and opinions. Addressing the specific concerns of young women in areas of personal development, economic participation, and the strengthening of their democratic knowledge was empowering and enlightening.

In hope to help the young women in our church, identify and recognize their own individual identities and roles in the society, community but kingdom of God at large, believing that this will outline the need to peruse what their purposes on earth are to reach success in their different areas of expertise, their lives, our nation and world at large in God's will.

We eagerly look forward to the next open dialogue meeting and we thank our Ma moruti for hooking us up, lol :)

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