Monday 21 July 2014

Happy birthday Pastor Seleka, RBC loves you!

God is love. Waitsi Modimo o lerato! We know this because we see him in you. In your face, in your life, you are radiating. Your heart so right.
We love you so so so so so much, You are such a great person to know.  We thank the Lord for allowing us to have a person like you in our lives, to be steered under your mentor-ship, love and presence. Every time you minister unto us in church we want you to know that we see and hear Jesus through you, his love, his care, his guidance, his mercy. Because of your choices we desire wisdom, knowledge & obedience of and to the will of God.
Anointed and blessed you are, as we sit and watch you basking in his glory, happy and relieved that our lives are in God'S hands.  We can just trust and believe that  God will give you many more years in this life.
You are an inspiration, a role model, a father every daughter must have and a beautiful spirit indeed.
Thank you for taking this Jesus & making him yours for sooo many people to experience and share in these wonders.

WE wish you many many many more years of growth. Your presence in my life is of so much value. Thank you for being my dad too.
Happy birthday Mr Seleka  you deserve all the desires of your heart and all the plans God has for your life to manifest.

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