Monday 21 July 2014

Wedding bells for Busi Mnisi and Sello Mhlambe's wedding

Come celebrate the wedding of Busi Mnisi and Sello Mhlambe's at Revival Baptist Church.
Date: 26 July 2014
Matrimonial: 10h00
Lunch: 13h00
Reception: 14h00
Trust, it's going to be beautiful!

Happy birthday Pastor Seleka, RBC loves you!

God is love. Waitsi Modimo o lerato! We know this because we see him in you. In your face, in your life, you are radiating. Your heart so right.
We love you so so so so so much, You are such a great person to know.  We thank the Lord for allowing us to have a person like you in our lives, to be steered under your mentor-ship, love and presence. Every time you minister unto us in church we want you to know that we see and hear Jesus through you, his love, his care, his guidance, his mercy. Because of your choices we desire wisdom, knowledge & obedience of and to the will of God.
Anointed and blessed you are, as we sit and watch you basking in his glory, happy and relieved that our lives are in God'S hands.  We can just trust and believe that  God will give you many more years in this life.
You are an inspiration, a role model, a father every daughter must have and a beautiful spirit indeed.
Thank you for taking this Jesus & making him yours for sooo many people to experience and share in these wonders.

WE wish you many many many more years of growth. Your presence in my life is of so much value. Thank you for being my dad too.
Happy birthday Mr Seleka  you deserve all the desires of your heart and all the plans God has for your life to manifest.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Yes we got Baptised on the 22nd of June 2014

The awesome significance of water baptism is that it symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our identification with Him in them. The Scriptures refer to Jesus as being the last Adam (I Corinthians 15:21-22, 45). Jesus, in His sacrifice for us, represented us. When a person receives Jesus as Lord, he identifies fully with what happened to Jesus (Romans 6:4-6). Water baptism is a physical act that should indelibly mark the mind of the person being baptised with the reality of his union with Jesus Christ.

Water baptism also gives the believer the opportunity to openly testify to others of his born-again experience. It serves as an outward sign and testimony of an inward grace. The believer has been crucified with Christ, buried with Him and raised together with Him to walk in newness of life (Galatians 2:20Romans 6:4).


Youth Day Celebration 2014

  Click on this link below to view youth day entertainment video 

Father's Day Celebration 2014

Fatherhood calls for many challenges and hardships, which every dad bears with pride and happiness. Your dad has been your first friend who has always been with you, no matter what. He is the one person who has bestowed you with unconditional love and care, without asking for anything in return. When it comes to the relationship you share with your father, there are absolutely no strings attached. He may not show, but he is always there for you, with his unwavering support and assistance. How often do you take out time to whisper a silent prayer to God for the health and happiness of this special person in your life? Most of you would prefer not to answer the above question. This Father's Day, take it as an opportunity to seek blessings for your father, with a special prayer of gratitude. 

Lord, please take care of our dads.
Though they are brave and protective,
they must also be frightened sometimes.
When money runs low and when we need things,
Lord, when their hearts break because they can't do it all;
Please help us to let them know how much we love them.
And how much You love them.

                                              (View father's day celebration video below)

God our Father
Bless these men,
that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honour them always
with a spirit of profound respect.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Revival Baptist Church Youth Conference 2014

Youth Day in South Africa commemorates the Soweto Uprising in the country. The day is celebrated on June 16 every year. The day is celebrated in order to recognize the role of youth in the liberation of South Africa from the Apartheid regime.


Click on this link below to view youth conference entertainment videos. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Revival Baptist Church and Tshwane YSAWID Open Dialogue


SAWID is an independent South African Women's Platform committed to hearing the voice of every woman and to improving the status of women by engaging national government, the private sector, civil society, (including non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organisations and donors) in partnership to shape community, provincial and continental agendas. The SAWID forum is impartial and not-for-profit and is tied to no party-political interests.
South African Women in Dialogue (SAWID) was founded by a forum of around 1000 women, drawn from all sectors of South African society, who met at the University of Pretoria in July 2003. They had been convened by a Steering Committee of volunteers, facilitated by Mrs. Zanele Mbeki, spouse of the President of the Republic of South Africa. 

On the the 8th of June 2014 Ms Modjadji Alidia Seabi (Former Chairperson of Tshwane YSAWID) came to Revival Baptist Church to introduce the forum and an open dialogue with 30 ladies in our church.

Issues discussed:
1. Personality development
2. Women's human rights
3. Participation of women in leadership
4. Why economic empowerment of women
5. Engaging boys and men to end discrimination against women and girls

It was nice to engage with one another with honesty, empathy and respect for our differences and opinions. Addressing the specific concerns of young women in areas of personal development, economic participation, and the strengthening of their democratic knowledge was empowering and enlightening.

In hope to help the young women in our church, identify and recognize their own individual identities and roles in the society, community but kingdom of God at large, believing that this will outline the need to peruse what their purposes on earth are to reach success in their different areas of expertise, their lives, our nation and world at large in God's will.

We eagerly look forward to the next open dialogue meeting and we thank our Ma moruti for hooking us up, lol :)